When running your own business, it’s essential to keep in mind that you will only get paid once you close a deal. You cannot rely on a weekly or monthly paycheck to cover your costs. It is therefore up to you to keep your business moving forward to generate cash.
One of the biggest stumbling blocks for many land investors starting out in this business is getting overwhelmed and not doing what needs to be done to move through the deal-making process.
The best way to avoid getting stuck is to stay organized and work the deal-making process one step at a time. However, to achieve this, you must be super organized.
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, Jack Bosch shares five critical tips to stay organized in your real estate investing business.
👉 Use a fit-for-purpose business management tool
👉 Simplify your systems for efficiency
👉 Manage your time
👉 Systematize your documentation
👉 Action planning
If you want to learn more about how to 10x your results as a land investor, join us on the weekend of December 10th – 12th for our Land Profit Virtual Bootcamp. Tickets are limited and are selling FAST.
Book your spot HERE: https://www.landflippinglive.com.
If you are a land investor looking for ways to fund your land deals, you have the option of bringing a passive investor on board to partner with you on lucrative deals that you might not otherwise be able to close.
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, we meet Reid and Halie Kurtenbach, who provide a range of funding options for land investors.
In this episode:
👉 What is a passive investor?
👉 What are the pros and cons of having a passive investor in your land investing business?
👉 How to find the right passive investor to suit your unique needs?
If you are looking to take your land investing business to the next level in 2022, book your ticket for the Land Profit Generator Virtual Bootcamp with Jack Bosch on the weekend of December 10th – 12th. Enjoy three action-packed days of interactive sessions with the top 1% of land investors in the country – all from the comfort of your home.
Spots are limited, and pre-booking is essential!
Visit https://www.landflippinglive.com to find out more!
If you would like to find out if you could benefit from the funding solutions offered by Reid and Halie Kurtenbach, visit https://www.rawlandfunder.com/ or call Reid on 303-960-8542.
Suppose you, like so many, found yourself re-evaluating your priorities during the lockdowns and discovered that your job causes you more pain than pleasure.
In that case, you may be considering starting your own business.
However, you are also likely to know as many as 80% of startups fail in the first year.
So, how do you walk away from the pain of your J.O.B, but also create financial abundance?
The answer lies in having the following four pillars in place:
👉 The WHY
👉 The WHAT
👉 The WHO
👉 and the HOW
Listen to this week’s episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, presented by Michelle Bosch, to find out more!
Find yourself in a position where you dread returning to the “old normal” and are committed to building a future with freedom of CASH, TIME, RELATIONSHIPS, & PURPOSE?
The Fall Intake for our Land Profit Coaching program is currently open. You can apply to become a part of the number 1 incubator of land investing businesses on the planet.
There are only a few spaces left, so be sure to book a call today.
There are a lot of land investors that start out using the Land Proft Generator method to create a second income stream.
As you start to gain mastery of the system, you will have to make a critical decision:
👉 Are you going to continue doing a few land deals on the side as a hobby,
💪 Are you going to walk away from the rat race and build a land investing business that will provide for your financial needs well into the future?
Over the past year, I have made a massive leap in my land investing business.
The first step was not treating my land investing activities like a hobby and running it as a business.
To achieve this, I needed to lean in on coaches and mentors to help me get the systems and processes in place to optimize my land investing business, which has fast-tracked my success.
Tune into this week’s episode of the Forever Cash Podcast to get my top 5 tips for optimizing your land business!
And if you are REALLY serious about 10x-ing your land investing results, join Jack and Michelle this week (Oct 25th – 29th) to learn how to implement these steps from the people who created and perfected the system!
It’s not too late to register
Visit https://www.landprofitmaster.com
Do you dream of becoming your own boss and living a life rich in entrepreneurial freedom but don’t know where to start?
Join Michael Bolbach in this weeks’ episode of the Forever Cash Podcast to discover how he transformed his life from employee to the CEO of his own highly successful land investing business.
In This Episode: 5 tips to becoming a successful land investor
👉 Invest in yourself
👉 Spend your time wisely
👉 Automate your business
👉 Get help
This is your opportunity if you are ready to escape the rat race and embrace a life rich in entrepreneurial freedom.
Jack and Michelle are hosting a FREE 5-Day Masterclass, starting on October 25th.
During this virtual 5-day event, you will have the opportunity to learn how to build your own land flipping cash machine from the people who pioneered the system!
What's more, the entire Masterclass is entirely FREE OF CHARGE and open to both experienced investors and those who have no prior real estate experience.
To book your spot, visit: www.landprofitmaster.com
One of the most important skills you will need to foster to be a successful land investor is decision making.
As you grow your land investing business, you may feel overwhelmed at times.
The only way to move past the overwhelm is to know when to make the right decisions in your business.
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, Michelle Bosch explains how to:
👉 Move past stuck and kick into action
👉 How to make the right decisions to drive your business forward
👉 Master property acquisition
🔉 You can listen to the full episode HERE: https://www.landprofitgenerator.com/mastering-decision-making-in-your-land-investing-business/
🙌 SUBSCRIBE to the Forever Cash on iTunes HERE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/forever-cash-life-real-estate-investing-podcast-create/id980606803
If you are ready to leap into land investing for the first time or are ready to take the next step towards your land investing dreams, join us on October 25th for our upcoming Land Profit Masterclass.
We will be taking a deep dive into the exact methods and systems that we have used to establish 6 and 7 (and 8) figure real estate businesses that provide freedom of cash, time, and purpose.
Register HERE to book your spot!
The Old Normal is dead, and the New Normal includes a booming real estate market for the foreseeable future!
Tune into this weeks’ episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, where Jack Bosch unpacks the state of the US economy in Q4 2021 and shares his insights into what to expect in the coming months.
In this episode:
• Changing consumer behavior in the post-pandemic economy
• Global supply chain crunch and it’s impact on the real estate market
• The “big quit” drives activity in the real estate market
If you are looking to embrace the New Normal by adopting new ways of living and working, there is no better time to start your land investing business RIGHT NOW.
We are in the business of teaching people how to replicate the business model that allowed my wife Michelle and me to walk away from corporate America and build an 8-figure real estate empire using the simplest and most affordable asset class in real estate.
In addition, the business is 100% mobile and designed to remain profitable no matter what crisis hits the stock exchange.
If this sounds like a good fit for you, register for our upcoming Land Profit Masterclass, starting on October 25th: https://www.landprofitmaster.com
We are only three short months away from the start of a new year. While the fall is always a great time to start preparing for the holidays, it is also a critical time to start thinking about your vision and mission for the year ahead.
As the CEO of your land investing business, it is your job to ensure that you have a clear roadmap in place for your business.
In this episode:
How to set yourself up for success in 2022:
• How to get a head-start in your land investing business
• How to position yourself in Q4 of 2021 for success in 2022
• How to plan, implement and action a plan to scale your land investing business in 2022
One of the most powerful ways to motivate yourself to grow in your land business is to tap into the incredible community of land flippers that is the Land Profit Generator Family. We are only a few days out from our first LIVE and in-person event in 18 months, in Phoenix, Arizona, on the weekend of October 1st – 3rd.
Jack Bosch and our incredible team of Mastercoaches will be providing a three-day deep dive into all things land flipping, including how to get started, scale, and build your land business to achieve your 2022 goals in record time.
If you are ready to make 2022 YOUR year of land flipping excellence, you can't afford to miss this event.
To find out more, visit https://landflippinglive.com and book your ticket. If you are already a member of the LPG family, reach out to your concierge in the Land Profit Generator Real Estate Investing Facebook Group to book your members-only discounted ticket today!
Highly successful land investor and Land Profit Generator team member David Van shares his top 5 tips to organize your Land Investing Business in this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast.
When you start your land investing business, one of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success is to stay organized.
There are very few people in the works who relish the idea of paperwork. However, as your land investing business starts to grow, you will quickly discover that if you are not organized, you will quickly become overwhelmed.
If you do not stay organized in your land investing business, you stand to waste a lot of time and lose a lot of money.
Here are my top 5 tips to staying organized in your land investing business:
Tip #1: Get a Business Mentor
Having a business mentor to help you set up systems and processes in your business is critical to your success. If you have a land investing coach who has already successfully established and scaled their land investing business, you are able to tap into their knowledge and skill to compress time in setting up your own business.
Tip #2: Get a notary
As a land investor, the more success you have the more you will be in need of a notary. A notary is a person appointed by state government to act as an impartial witness when important documents are signed. When buying and selling land, there are a lot of important documents that need to be signed, and therefore it’s a good idea to identify the closest and most accessible notary to assist you to get through all those deals.
Tip #3: Digitize your paperwork
We have all heard the stories of people losing all of their documents in a flood or fire and the catastrophic impact that this can have on all of their business dealing year after the event. In the modern digital age, this is not longer a risk. I have a dedicated online data storage solution that allows me to scan and upload every single document to the Cloud in real-time.
Tip #4 Project Management apps
There are several very effective project management apps on the market that will instantly allow you to control workflow in your business and your life. Project management apps allow you to set up your project, break it down into deadlines tasks, assign those tasks to your team and then monitor when tasks are complete. Project management will streamline your business processes and ensure that you have your finger on the pulse of the day-to-day operations of your business.
Tip #5 Delegate
The vast majority of people start a land investing business so that they can start to enjoy freedom of cash and freedom of time.
If you try to do every single task in your land investing business, you might improve your bottom line, but you will end up replacing your job with your business. If you really want to experience the full benefits of being the CEO of your own land investing business, you have to be able to delegate tasks to a team that you have trained and resourced to be able to do the job the same, if not better, than you could.
If you want to learn more about how to set up a streamlined and highly efficient land investing business, join us on the weekend of October 1st – 3rd for the Land Profit LIVE event, taking place in Phoenix, Arizona.
Visit www.landflippinglive.com for more information and to book your spot
When you set out on a path to generate passive income, the primary objective is to achieve financial freedom.
• But what is financial freedom?
• How do you achieve it?
• And how do you convert your land flipping profits into generational wealth?
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, I speak with Russ Morgan and Joey Mure, co-creators of Wealth Without Wallstreet.
Russ and Joey have both walked away from their corporate jobs to build generational wealth by creating passive income streams. The dynamic duo decided to turn their attention to helping others discover new ways of generating wealth while also achieving freedom of time.
In this episode:
• Discover what financial freedom means in quantifiable terms
• How to generate passive and active income with land investing
• Unpack the three steps to becoming financially free
To find out more about Wealth Without Wallstreet, visit their website https://www.wealthwithoutwallstreet.com/
Are you ready to discover how to build a passive income stream with the Land Profit Generator land investing business model?
Join us on the weekend of October 1st – 3rd in Phoenix, Arizona, for the first Land Profit Generator LIVE event in more than 18 months!
Jack Bosch will be taking attendees through a deep dive into the exact methods and systems that he and Michelle have used to create an 8-figure real estate empire.
Visit https://www.landflippinglive.com to find out more and to book your ticket.
PS: If you are already a member of the Land Profit Generator family, reach out to your concierge or call our offices on 1-(602)-712-0175 to get your special members-only ticket!
Direct mail marketing has always worked and will likely always work. The reason for this is that there is very little competition in the land space. One of the most important steps when you flip land is to find the right people to market to. In this episode, I explain how to select the right records from the county and how to filter them by their market value.
This podcast was recorded as part of our Winning Wednesday live series. Every Wednesday at 10AM PST on the Land Profit Generator Real Estate Investing Facebook Group, I answer your questions and delve deep into real topics that affect land flipping business owners.
How To Determine Assessed Value vs Market Value
When you don’t understand the difference between assessed value and market value, you will waste time and money on your marketing. The important thing to understand is that every state in the US has different laws governing property value. In essence, each state has its own ratio between assessed value and market value.
For example, in Arkansas, assessed value is determined to be 20% of market value. So if you see a property listed in an Arkansas county record at $10,000 then it’s market value is $50,000. In Florida, however, assessed value is 80-90% of market value.
So, if you want to select the right records for your marketing campaign, you need to find out the laws of your state. Luckily, this is very easy to do. All you have to do is call the county assessor’s office and ask.
How To Select The Right County Records
With our land flipping method, we target properties in the $5,000 – $200,000 range. The more experienced you are, the higher-priced properties you can target. Now that you understand the assessed value vs market value, you can select the right records from the county list.
It’s simply a matter of calculating the market value based on the laws of that specific state. For example, in Arkansas, you will pick properties with an assessed value of $1,000 – $40,000. It’s crucial that you always bear in mind that each state in the US has its own laws – so you always have to do your research!
What’s Inside:
Find out how to select the right records from the county
Learn the difference between assessed and market value
Understand how to optimize your direct mail campaign by tar
Mentioned in this episode
Join the Land Profit Generator Community Facebook Group
Find out more about the Investment Dominator at https://investmentdominator.com/
We have all heard horror stories about what can happen if you onboard the wrong person to help you scale your business, right?
However, if you try to be all things to all people in your business, you will burn out, and end up with the same kind of restrictions you were trying to avoid by getting out of your J.O.B – right?!
So you need a team – but you need the RIGHT team!
In this episode:
👉 When do you start building your team
👉 How to recruit for alignment
👉 Tips on getting the most from your staff
If you want to find out how to onboard the right people and how to create an A-Team that will be as invested in your business as you are, tune into episode 199 of the Forever Cash Podcast.
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, highly successful land investor and LPG team member, Michael Robert, talks about how to become the CEO of your land investing business.
When you start your land investing business, your sole responsibility is to learn the systems and processes to follow to get the deal done.
However, as you scale and build out your team, you will go from the 'doer' to the leader of your business.
What does it mean to be the CEO of your business?
How do you step into that role?
Tune into episode 198 of the Forever Cash Podcast to hear how Michael Robert, a highly successful land investing CEO, learned to step into this role in his business.
In this episode:
👉 When do you become the CEO of your business
👉 Leadership[ tips for CEOs
👉 How your CEO role will boost your profits
If you are ready to step into the role of CEO of your land investing business, take advantage of the opportunity to learn from the best in the industry during our Land Profit Masterclass, starting August 9th.
Jack and Michelle Bosch, the Pioneers of the Land Profit Generator method, and two of the most influential CEOs in the business will be sharing exactly how to replicate their success during a FREE 5-Day Masterclass.
It's not too late to register; visit www.landprofitmaster.com to register.
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, David Van shares the 10 top tips for scaling your land investing business in 2021.
Every entrepreneur starts a business with the goal of growth. When you first begin your land investing business, you might be able to close a few deals and make a nice side income. However, if you are interested in achieving the financial freedom that many of the Land Profit Generator students have realized, you will need to SCALE your business.
If you would like to learn how to start and scale your land investing business in record time, join us for our upcoming 5-dayFREE Masterclass, beginning August 9th. Register HERE: https://landprofitmaster.com
In this episode:
👉 Why is scaling your ultimate goal
👉 How to get onto the land investing scaling fast track
👉 10 tips for scaling your land investing business
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, David Van speaks about creating wealth with your land investing business.
In This Episode:
👉 How to create wealth with your land investing business
👉 The importance of consistency
👉 How to use systems to scale your business
👉 The most valuable asset in your land investing business
If you want to start creating meaningful wealth with your land investing business, register for our upcoming Land Profit Masterclass, starting August 9th: https://www.landprofitcoaching.com
Highly successful land investor, David Van, shares some essential tips on closing more land deals in this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast.
In this episode:
👉 How to identify qualified buyers
👉 How to identify buyer objections
👉 How to overcome buyer objections and close more land deals
If you are ready to turn your land investing aspirations into a 6 and 7-figure cash machine, join Jack Bosch and the whole Land Profit Generator team for our first LIVE and In-Person event, happening on the weekend of October 1st, in Phoenix, Arizona!
Book your seat HERE 👉 https://www.landflippinglive.com
If you are already part of the Land Profit Generator family, reach out to your concierge in the Land Profit Generator Real Estate Investing Facebook group to get your discounted ticket!
👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/LandProfitGenerator
Most people who are considering purchasing your property will have a few reservations before closing the deal. When you engage with buyers for the first time, you want to identify what their objections are.
Some of the most common objections include:
✔ Feelings of uncertainly about the buying process
✔ Concerns about the authenticity of your offer
✔ Uncertainty about payment options
✔ No sense of urgency
How to overcome buyer’s objections to close more land deals
If you want to close more land deals, you will need to quickly help your buyers overcome any objections to doing the deal.
When you are engaging with buyers, make sure that you explain the buying process. Take your buyer through the process, step-by-step, so that they know exactly what to expect.
Make sure that you are very responsive to your buyer throughout the process. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is leaving your buyer waiting around to hear from you. Lack of communication will erode their trust.
If your buyer thinks that they have unlimited time to make a decision, they are unlikely to close on the deal. Set clear deadlines and make sure that your buyer knows that other people are interested in the property.
Land investing in the first two quarters of 2021 has continued to be a winning investment vehicle for many in the Land Profit Generator family.
With two quarters of the year already behind us, this is a great time to pause and celebrate your wins and course-correct where needed to achieve your 2021 land investing year-end goals.
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, we showcase some of the highlights from the first half of 2021.
In this episode
The best strategies for land investing in the first two quarters of 2021
Discover some of the most successful strategies for land investing in the first two quarters of 2021, the double close.
In Episode 174, The Forever Cash Podcast, I discuss how you can flip land without using your own money. Double closings have proven very successful for many of our students in the first half of 2021. In fact, many have increased their profit margins by double closing on properties without a title company.
Learn more about double closings HERE
Unpacking our current economic cycle
The world economy is still adjusting to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. While the worst economic impact is behind us, the pandemic and its effects on global markets are likely to be with us for many years to come.
Fortunately for land investors, conditions are very conducive, and we have seen more explosive growth in 2020 and the first half of 2021 than ever before.
In Episode 179 of the Forever Cash Podcast, Rana Vig sheds some light on market reactions to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Listen to the full episode HERE
Now is the best time to start investing in land
In light of current market conditions, there is no better time to start your land investing business.
However, you may feel a little overwhelmed at the prospect of starting a business in an area where you don’t have a lot of experience. Land Profit Generator team member, David Van, explains how he got started in land investing with minimal prior experience in Episode 183 of the Forever Cash Podcast.
If you have started your land investing business in the first two quarters of 2021, make sure to listen to this episode, HERE
Using private money to close larger land deals
One of the great things about land investing is that you can do some fantastic deals without needing much cash up front.
But sometimes, you’ll have a larger land deal where the closing happens fast, and you need a big chunk of cash. This is when it’s helpful to know how private money works.
Jay Conner and I met in a high-caliber Mastermind group not too long ago, and he’s an expert on private money.
If you are looking to course-correct your land investing business strategy in the second two quarters of 2021, I think you’ll find our conversation very valuable.
Listen to our conversation in Episode 185 of the Forever Cash Podcast, HERE
Explosive Land Profits For Q3, 2021: Your 90-Day Action Plan for land investors
In the episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, Michelle lays out a 90-day action plan for land investors looking to get the most out of Q3 of 2021
In this episode:
• The importance of planning as the leader of your business
• The steps to follow to create a 90-day action plan as a land investor
• How to get the most out of Q2 and Q3 in 2021
In the Northern Hemisphere, we have just passed the Summer Solstice. This marks the halfway mark for the year 2021.
I sincerely hope that you have made the most out of the first half of this year. It has been an explosive time for land investors that continues to offer unparalleled opportunities
However, if you are not where you envisioned in your land investing business, there is no time like the present to accelerate your success.
How to create your 90-day action plan for land investors
1. Make time to plan
The first step in developing an effective 90-day action plan for land investors is to block off some time in your calendar before July 1 to plan. One of the first stumbling blocks that you could encounter in your planning is simply not making dedicated time for short-term and long-term planning.
2. Reflect on the past
Once you have made the time to plan, spend some time reflecting on the accomplishments and challenges that you have experienced in the first two quarters of the year. Look at the goals you set at the beginning of the year and assess how you are doing.
3. Create a ‘stop doing’ list
Your time is the most valuable and scarce resource in your business. Identify things that are currently taking up unnecessary time and stop doing them. These are tasks that you can delegate to other team members so that you can free yourself up to start taking action to drive your business forward.
4. Identify actions that created a mess in your business
Reflect on the past 6 months and identify the actions you took in your business that made a ‘mess.’ When things feel messy, it highlights the need for systems and processes to ensure optimal productivity and outcomes. Make a clear plan to clean those processes up so that you can start on a clean slate in Q3.
5. Plan for the future
As the CEO of your business, it’s your job to be a time traveler. You need to decide precisely what you want to achieve in the future and plot a course for your team to follow.
6. Identify what you need to achieve your Q3 and Q4 goals
Once you have worked through the past 6 months, assessed what you can do right now to improve productivity, and forecast where you want the business to go, you are ready to start implementing. Identify what you need to get to your goals and find out who can help you get there.
Planning is the most important part of your job as the CEO of your land flipping business. Implementing a 90-day action plan for your land flipping business will give you the clarity needed to achieve your goals!
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, I speak about how to negotiate with sellers to get more land deals from your Land Profit Generator direct mail campaigns.
One of the essential skills you will need to develop as a real estate investor is negotiating with sellers and buyers.
I will offer in-depth training on negotiating your land deals during our upcoming 3-Day Virtual Land Flipping LIVE Bootcamp, starting on Friday, 25th June.
If you have not booked your ticket yet, make sure that you do at https://landflippinglive.com.
In this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, Michelle Bosch speaks with sales expert and business coach Ryann Dowdy about how to leverage the power of social media as a sales platform for your land business.
In this episode:
👉 What it takes to master sales in your land business
👉 The secrets to social selling
👉 Building your Sales Team
If you are ready to take your land investing business to the next level, join us for a 3-Day Virtual Land Flipping LIVE Bootcamp, starting on June 25 – 28.
🙌 Book your ticket at www.landflippinglive.com.
Meet Ryann Dowdy
Before starting her own business, Ryann spent 15 years in the corporate world, building multi-million dollar sales organizations for start-ups in the marketing space. From sales rep and an individual contributor to Director of Sales – Ryann has mentored, managed, and trained thousands of sales reps during her career.
Ryann has teamed up with sales mastermind and founder of The Live Launch Method, Kelly Roach, to establish the Social Selling Academy. The power team has created a learning space for CEOs and their teams to learn the most cutting-edge sales methods that leverage the power of social media to generate leads, foster relationships, and ultimately close deals.
How to use social media to master sales in your land business
According to Ryann, social media platforms can be used as a business tool to generate sales in your land business if used correctly.
She points out that the traditional sales methods relied on developing relationships, and social media provides the same opportunity but on a much larger scale.
“When I started in sales right out of college, I used to spend a lot of time cold calling people, traveling around to people’s offices, and pushing open doors. I was only ever able to reach a few hundred potential clients in this way. Now, with social media, I can virtually knock on the door of billions of people – literally BILLIONS.”
The rapid growth of social media platforms means use direct messages and start the kinds of conversations that foster relationships that can and ultimately can result in sales.
Building your ideal sales team
When you start your land investing business, you are your own sales team. However, as you enter the scaling and automation phase of your business development, you will need to consider bringing on somebody to assist in sales.
Ryann provides these key pointers when you start to build your sales team:
How do you know if probate is necessary when buying a property?
In this week’s episode of the Forever Cash Podcast, I opened the floor to our Land Profit Generator Community for a Q&A Session. Priscilla Pastorp asked about probate on a deal she is working on, which opened some interesting questions.
Priscilla posted the following question to the Land Profit Generator Group:
“Talked to a very motivated seller who wants to sell like yesterday as he and his wife are in their early 90’s. His wife’s brother gave her the property, and she has just has just been paying the taxes for the last 20 plus years. However, she is now in long-term rehab, and the husband has POA for her. The property owner (her brother) is deceased as of 9 years ago (he was living in Germany at the time of his death). He’s never been married and doesn’t have children. Does the property still have to go through probate? How do I handle this?”
Priscilla Pastorp
Priscilla’s question raises a few technical processes that you should understand as a successful land investor.
Probate is the general administration of a deceased person’s estate.
If the deceased person owned property, administrators would include the property in the probate process. The estate will be wrapped up by an appointed administrator. During this process, all liabilities will be settled, and assets distributed to beneficiaries, including the title deeds of any property.
To answer this question, you need to establish a few critical facts about the ownership of the property:
In Priscilla’s example, the sister may have been declared the property owner after probate was completed on her brother’s estate. If this is the case, she has the right to sell the property without any further complications. Her husband has Power of Attorney, and therefore he can sell the property on her behalf.
If the property was registered as a land trust, and the sister is a trustee of that trust, then there will be no probate as the ownership has not changed.
If these conditions are not met, one would have to go through probate before buying or selling the property.
There are a number of ways that you as a land investor can assist the seller to get a property through probate. Listen to episode 190 of the Forever Cash Podcast to learn more.
If you are interested in becoming a successful land investor, register for my upcoming 3-Day Virtual Land Flipping Bootcamp starting on June 25th – 27th
On today’s episode of the Forever Cash Life Real Estate Podcast, we’re going to talk about how to deal with difficult title companies.
I’m going to share a recent experience of mine with a really terrible title company. Let’s just say I’ve never seen anything this bad in the 19 years I’ve been flipping land. I’ll share some valuable advice, in case you find yourself in a similar situation.
What Title Companies Are Facing Right Now
The current situation in the U.S. has title companies swamped with deals from everywhere. It’s like 2005-2007 again, and title companies are overwhelmed. I get this. It’s like a perfect storm.
But does this give them an excuse to be incompetent and do terrible business? No. In fact, I’ve dealt with some really great title companies lately. They’re doing their job and doing it well, in the midst of all that’s going on in the market.
What Can Happen When a Title Company Doesn’t Do Its Job
When you’re in the land flipping space, the title company is a very important entity. They can make your land deal go smoothly or do the exact opposite. In the past few weeks, we’ve done five deals and dealt with four different title companies. Two of the title companies were absolutely fantastic, and two absolutely sucked.
For one of the deals with the not-great title company, we sent them the signed contract, and they started doing the title search. A week went by, then two, then four. Seven weeks later, we finally got the preliminary title report.
The property was inherited from a father who had put it in a family trust and made the son and daughter trustees. This isn’t difficult to solve. You just need the estate documents, the trust documents, and their information. A decent title company should be able to get this done in two days. It took this title company another eight weeks.
I followed up every day, and every single time, the woman on the phone said, “These land deals are so complicated.” This agent was 100% unqualified and inept. I literally woke up in the middle of the night with nightmares about this person.
What a Competent Title Company Will Do For You
At the same time I closed another deal. I bought a property for $90k and sold it for $199k. That deal involved multiple LLCs and a family trust. This time the title search took three days, as it should.
At the end of the day, the title company’s job is to:
The title agent for this deal needed more documentation, and I got it all for her. She was thrilled. She sent out closing documents 2 days later, and we closed in 12 days total.
What You Have to Do Yourself If the Title Company Is Incompetent
If you’re unfortunate enough to be stuck with an incompetent title company, you’ll have to jump in and help them do their work. I left a voicemail, then sent multiple follow-up emails every day. They kept dragging their feet. I know the squeaky wheel gets the oil, so I made some noise.
The road on the extra mile is empty. You’ve got to do whatever it takes. We’re 15 weeks into this deal. We’re too far in. It should have been done in 2 weeks. I’m not going to pull it and go to a different title company. So I jumped in. I have a relationship with both the buyer and the seller, so I told the agent I’d be the go-between. I did more work than the title agent to close this deal.
You Can Go the Extra Mile Even with the Good Title Companies
Title searches are taking longer these days, even with competent title companies. They might have 25-50 deals on the docket, and they’re prioritizing the ones that make them the most money. If yours isn’t a million dollar deal, you can move up the list by making noise.
Basically, you commit to being a bother until they give you what you want.
Remind them that, if interest rates go up even a little, refis will stop cold. If you’re dealing with a reasonable title company, they will value your relationship and take a long-term view.
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Schedule your FREE 20-minute Land Profit Generation Coaching consultation NOW.
On today’s episode of the Forever Cash Life Real Estate Podcast, my wife, Michelle Bosch, shares a well-kept secret to getting 6-figure land deals as a real estate investor.
There’s a lot of conversation and hoopla around these bigger deals right now, and with good reason. They’re the fastest, most potent way to turbo-charge your land profits. But there’s a piece that most people miss, and Michelle gives us the inside scoop.
You Need More than Tactics and Strategies to Master the 6-Figure Land Deal
When it comes to 6-figure land deals, yes, there’s an actual blueprint to finding the right area to focus on, the right market, the right offer, the right negotiation, the right way to talk to more sophisticated buyers and sellers. But before all of that, there’s something most investors don’t talk about, a secret important ingredient that will give you the power to go after—and get—those big deals.
That ingredient is confidence.
Confidence is 100% power. It’s about trusting in yourself—or in the experience and expertise of a mentor that you’re going to lean on. This confidence is what will help you go out there and commit to doing a 6-figure land deal.
Commitment, at the end of the day, is a precursor to confidence. If you’ve been watching any of our masterminds, you know Michelle and I are big believers in confidence. And that confidence cannot come if you haven’t committed to doing this new, big thing.
How to Make the Leap from Small Land Deals to Big Land Deals
A lot of people hover in the $10, $15, $20k land deal space for a long time, longer than they need to. It’s not that they don’t have the capabilities to do bigger deals. They just don’t have the confidence.
Bigger deals aren’t a lot of extra work. You roll up your sleeves, put in the effort, use smart strategies to identify properties, market them, sell them, and close those deals. They just require a pivot in focus. You have to be committed and have the courage and confidence to pull it off.
If you find yourself stuck in small deals, there is courage and confidence inside of you that needs to be activated. Michelle and I believe that, when your soul wants to expand and grow, you’ll have people cross your path or you’ll hear an idea that triggers exactly what you need to push through and move forward into a bigger, bolder reality.
Expect Resistance When You Get Ready to Take the Plunge
Any time you embark on a new journey, you can expect your ego to fight you, but this just means you’re so close to an amazing breakthrough. You’re attracted to a growth beyond a bank balance.
Push through the resistance of the ego saying no. Push through those inner voices that say:
Our clients in our coaching program all go through this when they’re activating their confidence. Their ego resists, and they have to power through. This 12-month journey they take with their coach is all about receiving bigger and bigger visions for their business and for their lives. They crave that success, so they’re willing to go through the discomfort of expanding themselves.
They start putting themselves in situations where they can’t back out, where they have no choice but to grow. And it helps to have the support of a community—and a mentor.
A Good Mentor Doesn’t Want to Be Your Hero
When I talk about a mentor, I’m not talking about someone who wants to be a hero to you. I’m talking about someone who will serve as a guide so you can be the hero of your own life and family. The coaches in our Land Profit Generator Coaching program help our clients push the boundaries of what’s possible, help them bring people on board their team that they love working with, and guide them into success.
If you’ve been dipping your toes in the water, afraid to take a leap, and you’ve seen your peers committing, doing the work, mastering the courage, activating their power, and seeing six figure leaps of income, then it’s time for you to do something about it.
Our coaches aren’t going to try to sell you something that’s not a good fit for you. Do a quick self-evaluation.
If you answered yes to all of those questions, you’re a great fit.
Remember, confidence is a key ingredient in a successful land flipping business, especially if you want to grow and scale with 6-figure deals. Sometimes you build that confidence yourself, and sometimes you lean on the confidence of a good mentor to get you started. Regardless, it’s impossible to get to where you want to go without it.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Schedule your FREE 20-minute Land Profit Generation Coaching consultation NOW.
On today’s Winning Wednesday episode of the Forever Cash Life Real Estate Podcast, I’m sharing a quick training on the difference between blind offers and neutral letters.
We have a lot of discussions in our Land Profit Generator Facebook group about these two very different strategies. “Which one should I go for?” our students ask. The answer is very simple. YES.
What We Mean When We Say “Neutral Letter”
Let me tell you about our proven, tested, Land Profit Coaching neutral letter. Our core copyrighted method goes like this. When you go into this business of land flipping, you pick certain areas in the United States based on:
This data-driven approach gives us valuable information on how this market will likely perform. Then we send a test balloon into the county. We send 500 to 750 neutral letters out, asking people to call us if they have land they’d like to sell. Then we get responses back and, based on those responses, we can tell which areas will get us a lot of deals and make us a lot of money.
What Is Involved in Making a Blind Offer?
As we go through this process, it wouldn’t make any sense to send out a blind offer. A blind offer is where you look at a list of properties, choose one, and make an offer. The seller has never heard from you and has never indicated that they want to sell. You just send them an offer.
To get this offer out, you have to find out the ballpark value of the property. Let’s say you’re going to research 500 properties and send out your offer. These properties aren’t all going to be the same. They’ll each have different:
You might have a property that’s ¼ of an acre but worth $50k. Another property might be 2 acres and $10k. Let’s say it takes 10 minutes to research each property. That’s roughly 80-90 hours. If you’re doing it full-time, it would be two full work weeks. If you’re doing it a couple of hours a day, it’s going to take you two months. This is all before you even send out an offer.
We all know that time is money. A better use of your time would be to send out 700 letters for $400. You don’t even know if those 80 hours will be worth the time and effort.
Following Up Neutral Letters with Blind Offers
So, you’ve sent out our proven, tested neutral letter. Let’s say 5% of the people call you back. Of 600 letters, you’ll get 30 phone calls. Now, you do research on those 30 instead of 600. For about 25 to 40 offers you make, you get one accepted. And, over time, you can improve that.
Once you do some deals in the area, and you become more familiar with what properties are worth, then you can send out blind offers on other properties nearby. You already know what you can sell these properties for, and you already have people lined up looking for properties. At this point, there’s no more need to send out neutral letters. In that particular pocket, you can switch to the blind offer.
So, here’s what you do in the simplest terms:
It’s much less work, much less overhead, and much less time commitment. This is a much simpler and efficient way of doing business. It’s not just a one-trick pony. It’s a skillful, scalable, tested method that works for any size deal.
What’s Inside:
Mentioned in this episode:
Join our next FREE 5-day Land Flipping Masterclass starting on May 10.
On today’s episode of the Forever Cash Life Real Estate Podcast, my wife, Michelle Bosch, shares some valuable principles that will help you scale your business quickly and bring the right people on board.
Whether you’re running a land flipping business, or something else entirely, you’ll find these principles to be timeless and important. Michelle and I have followed them the past 18 years with great success.
You’ll Never Know Freedom Without Hiring a Team
Building a team that’s bigger than you will give you the opportunity to enjoy the four freedoms of money, time, relationships, and purpose. When you’re just starting out, all these things depend on YOU:
But this is unsustainable, and you can’t scale your business If everything depends on you alone. These freedoms will never be yours.
Your Employees Need to Share Your Core Values
In the beginning, when you’re first hiring, you might start small with a VA or independent contractor, someone who can start taking non-critical activities off your hands. Eventually, you want to pivot into thinking about a team where you are all in on them and they are all in on you. Your ROI (return on involvement) is way superior with an employee than with someone who is doing 5-10 hours for you here and there and not fully committed to you and your business.
You’ll want to bring people on board who embody your core values, who become like family, who see opportunities for personal and career development, and who are truly excited about the dynamic growth of the company. You need to be clear on your core values so you can magnetize the right people.
Collapse Time with This Hiring Practice
One thing Michelle and I have found over the years is that we can collapse time by hiring two or three people at a time for one position. When it comes to our sales team, we’ll onboard these people at the same time, train them at the same time, and then let them fight for a spot on our rocketship. When you give two or three people the same resources, one of them is going to rise to the top.
When we do it this way, our new hires have extra motivation to succeed, and we aren’t wasting time training someone who turns out not to be a great fit for our team.
Train Your Employees With a Purpose
You will be tempted to dump all your unwanted tasks onto your new hire and let them figure it out, but you need to think long-term. You need to train them, explain the purpose of each task, show them how each task fits into the context of the business, and the impact it has on the company as a whole.
Don’t just teach them steps and methodology. Give them a sense of purpose. Put in the time and energy at the beginning, and your return on involvement will be exponential.
Utilize Technology to Simplify the Onboarding Process
We have so much access to technology these days. Make the most of it. Record what you do with new employees, so you can use it again in the future with your next hire. You’re not abdicating the whole onboarding process to videos, but they’ll be there for your team to watch, listen to, and reference again and again.
You can actually provide your entire team with a valuable library of resources that will save you so much time and money over the long haul.
Recognize Your Value as CEO
When you start out as a business owner, you can get hit by impostor syndrome and think, “Oh my god, who am I to be demanding an all-in mindset from my employees?” We don’t automatically have that assertiveness and confidence to recognize the incredible value we bring to the marketplace. You need to step into this power and attract the right people who recognize it as well.
You need to understand that you are offering an amazing opportunity to someone. It’s a privilege and an honor to align themselves with a CEO like you, someone with integrity and excellence, who is making people’s dreams come true. There are very few people out there operating at this level, in a way that’s not transactional, but transformational. You are a freaking big deal.
Don’t bring just anybody on board with you. Make sure they embody your core values, and that they’re excited to use the velocity of the growth of your business to meet their personal growth goals as well. Your business, with their help, will spit out the cash flow. And you, as CEO, will be flowing in the freedoms of money, time, relationships, and purpose.
What’s Inside:
Mentioned in this episode:
Join our next FREE 5-day Land Flipping Masterclass starting on May 10.